"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." -George Orwell

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Print will go on

A number of media research firms have released information in our early 21st century that all draws the same conclusion: The advent of the Internet did not kill other forms of media. Rather, the distribution of attention(s) has shifted to include yet another medium.


No post-apocalyptic, non-book world are we inhabiting. At least with Americans, we are living in a
media democracy where print, broadcast, telecom, internet and gaming dynamics co-exist tolerantly (or semi-tolerantly) on the low end of the spectrum, and completely intertwine and enhance each other on the high end.

I am thrilled to see this data in concrete terms. It reinforces data I read earlier in college (early 2000s) that said print isn't going away, it's just going to become more specialized, more decorative and more exclusive.

Deck of 50 "city walk" cards by Chronicle Books

In addition, a number of newspapers are finding new ways to generate revenue besides that from selling advertising. What else do news teams have that others don't? Insider information. Wow. What a concept. Post insider information from reporters on your website? Use a core competency--privileged information--to move units? Flabbergasting.

Now it remains to be seen whether these new business models for sustaining news will work, but it certainly beats the throw-in-the-towel scowls of all those naysayers who are predicting the end of paid writing as we know it.

After plowing through so many unrefined blogs and videos on the 'net, I can safely deduct that quality information, like a search engine, is still treasured for its ability to cut through content garbage quicker than you can type Google.com.

Rest easy, creators of quality information. You can put a premium on your product.

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